• Simple & Safe Winter Cleaning Tips For Your Home

    By : echocleaning Feb 2025

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    One of the most interesting things about winter is that the day is always shorter and colder. This makes it entirely different to summer. People tend to spend more time indoors, especially children, even when the weather is still clear outside. Since you will be spending most of the day indoor, it is a common practice to keep your home clean and tidy.

    Here is a list of four simple cleaning tips to keep your home clean doing this winter:

    1. Clean your radiator. Winter is always frigid, and you will need to keep your home warm. You probably haven’t been using your heater for the past five months, and here is a time you can’t do without it. Use a damp sponge or cotton rag to wipe both its interior and exterior. Ensure you give it a proper clean so that it can work to its full capacity.
    2. Put a shoe rug or box at your entrance. Prepare your entrance for winter by putting a shoe rug, or box at the entrance. Having a doormat at your entrance will save you the stress of cleaning and mopping the floor every time. Visitors will always clean their shoes before entering.
    3. Clean out the pantry. The pantry or larder, as it is often called in British is the place you stock up different foods. It is important to clean your pantry to ensure nothing is going bad there, especially doing this winter. You might also want to create more space, and know what other foodstuffs you need to avoid going out often. Don’t forget it is always cold.
    4. Clean the gutters and the windows. It is expected that this will require some extra efforts and some cleaning equipment.

    You can employ the service of a professional commercial and residential services like Echo Cleaning, LLC to handle your home cleaning during the winter.